Eating disorders may occur in combination of factors like family relationships, psychological problems, and genetics.
youth are the attention seekers, they want to be more beautiful and charming than their age mates and want to grasp attention from the opposite sex. They think slim body increases self-image and confidence than the obese body. People often confuse between fit and thin body which results in severe health issues.

Eating food is essential to our body, but some people who are psychologically or physically disturbed will consume more or starve which is considered as an Eating disorder. From the past decade, it grows drastically in India, especially in urban areas.
Dieting and Foodie terms are completely different from Eating Disorders. Diet means reducing carbohydrate and fat foods intake in a healthy way, whereas foodies are the people who are psychologically and physically healthy but Eating Disordered Persons are completely different. Here, I have mentioned a few eating disorders which are prevalent.

ANOREXIA NERVOSA: People here consume very less food than they need, sometimes they prefer starvation to burn excess calories.
Symptoms: Will have a thin body but still want to lose weight.
Physical Problems: Hormonal imbalance, menstrual problems, infertility, in severe cases lead to multiple organ failure or death.
Psychological problem: Mostly seen in neurotics, perfectionists, and impulsive natured persons. They may have a history of bully or teasing and may face depression or anxiety.
Suggestion: Food is necessary to lead a healthy life. It’s okay, to be with normal weight otherwise you may become sick.

BULIMIA NERVOSA: People here will eat more food than necessary and to lose those calories they will vomit the food using fingers or uses laxatives or heavy exercising.
Symptoms: Spend most of the time in the bathroom to vomit and have scars or scratches on fingers.
Physical problems: They may have Gut or mouth infections and hormonal problems.
Psychological problem: Abuse or trauma faced persons will face with this disorder. They may have symptoms of Anxiety or Depression.
Suggestion: Don’t force yourself to eat more when you are full. If your parents force you to eat more, tell them you will eat later.

BINGE EATING: People here will eat food all the day even their stomach is full.
Symptoms: Eat large quantities of food in a short period of time.
Physical problems: These people will have Obesity.
Psychological problem: These individuals will have a history of guilt or shame or chronic stress or boredom. Social phobia may develop because of the obese body.
Suggestion: Don’t eat while watching movies or feel bored, you may eat more.

PICA: People here will eat non-food substances like chalk, sand, wall materials, and paper. It can cause infections to the gastrointestinal tract. These people may have low IQ.
Suggestion: When you want to eat non-food items, shift your focus towards food items.

NIGHT EATING DISORDER: People here will eat food during night times especially after awakening from sleep. These lead to sleep problems and depressed mood.
Suggestion: Maintain a particular meal timings.

RUMINATION DISORDER: People here will reflux or spit the swallowed food. This is usually seen in infants but slowly disappears with age but in some people, it will continue even in adult stages. It may cause mouth and gut infections.
Suggestion: The suggested behavioral intervention relies on habit reversal by the use of diaphragmatic breathing techniques, which compete with the urge to regurgitate.

OTHER SPECIFIED FEEDING OR EATING DISORDER (OSFED): People involves some combination of symptoms of the other eating disorders such as an intense fear of weight gain and a preoccupation with food (thinking about food or having food-related thoughts most of the day). Many people with OSFED have symptoms of the other eating disorders, but may not meet the exact clinical criteria, and therefore are diagnosed with OSFED.

AVOIDANT OR RESTRICTIVE FOOD INTAKE DISORDER (ARFID): People here will pick some items from the meal plate or eat very little food. Mostly, this disorder is observed in infants and early childhood who are under 7 years of age.
Don’t think too much about your weight. If you think you are overweight, regular exercise and meditation will help in reducing weight and stress. Accept how you are and ignore what people will think about your weight. All you have to do is Self-acceptance.
Manas is a perfect platform to talk through your problems and solve then on your own. We prefer a client-centric counseling in most comfortable ways feel free to consult us, Manas is here to help you 24/7.
KATTA BHAGYA RATNAM, Consultant Psychologist at MANAS.
# Eating Disorder # Dieting # Foodie # Attention Seekers # Infants # Adolescents # Anorexia Nervosa # Bulimia Nervosa # Binge Eating# PICA # Night Eating Disorder # Rumination Disorder # Avoidant Or Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) # Hormonal imbalance # Menstrual Problems # Infertility # Multiple Organ Failure # Bully # Laxatives # Abuse # Trauma # Anxiety # Depression # Guilt # Shame # Chronic Stress# Obesity# Social Phobia # Gastrointestinal infections # Mentally Disability # IQ # Sleep Problems # Reflux
Note: All these pictures are taken from Google free sources.