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Adolescent Peer Pressure, Is it pushing or pulling them?

Navadu Vidya

Peer pressure is the influence on people by their peers. As a result, people start following their opinions and lifestyle. Furthermore, it is considering a person or his opinion above all and giving him the priority.

We all might have experienced peer pressure at some stage in our lives. We all know what it feels like to be pressured by a peer. Peer pressure impacts kids of this generation is a huge aspect of nowadays. Teenagers feel social pressure in numerous ways such as dressing, gadgets, accessories, entertainment choices.

Peers play a large role in the social and emotional development of children and adolescents. Their influence begins at an early age and increases through the teenage years. It is natural, healthy and important for children to have and rely on friends as they grow and mature.

Peer pressure starts when kids start growing older and have a sense of the world, and an opinion to go with it. Some kids are smart enough to ward off trouble when it comes to the wrong kind of pressure, while others sadly get sucked into such circles, often because their cognitively weak to oppose it.

Many young adults nowadays do not know how to deal with certain adversity correctly, causing many more problems. Some of the toughest challenges that young adults encounter include bullying, maintaining high academic achievements, and peer pressure.

Every single person that has entered this world is thundered with choices, and some make the wrong decision one time or another. In some cases, this could be life or death. The years of adolescence are hard enough considering all of the changes our bodies and mind go through.

Peer pressure and influence in children:

Peer pressure, or influence, comes in several forms, and these types of peer pressure can have a tremendous impact on a young person’s behaviour.

  • Choosing the same clothes, hairstyle or jewellery as their friends

  • listening to the same music or watching the same TV shows as their friends

  • Changing the way they talk, or the words they use

  • Doing risky things or breaking rules

  • Working harder at school, or not working as hard

Positive effects of peer pressure include:

  • A sense of belonging and support

  • Increased self-confidence

  • Introduction to positive hobbies and interests

  • Reinforcement of positive habits and attitudes.

Negative effects of peer pressure include:

  • The pressure to use alcohol, cigarettes or drugs

  • The pressure to engage in risk-taking behaviours

  • Distraction from schoolwork

  • Distance between family and existing friends

  • Drastic changes in behaviour and attitudes.

Ways to deal with peer pressure

  1. Say ‘no’ calmly explain why something‘s is not for you.

  2. Follow your heart... but take your brain with you, You should never make rash decisions without thinking twice.

  3. Getting help from grownups is okay.

  4. Build the self-confidence you need.

  5. Act cool when someone is pressuring you, don’t get angry or lash out. Be level-headed and show that you aren't affected by what is being said.

  6. Pursue your own interests. Hang out with people who like doing the same stuff you do.

Manas is a perfect platform to talk through your problems and solve them on your own. we prefer client-centric counselling in most comfortable ways. feel free to consult us, Manas is here to help you 24/7.

Vidya Navadu,

Psychologist at MANAS

Note: All these pictures are taken from Google free sources.

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